St. Patrick Catholic Church

Saint Patrick Catholic Church
A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lexington

139 West Main St. | Mt. Sterling, KY 40353
859-498-0300 |
Serving Christ and His People Since 1868

​Website updated 03/26/2025
Stations of the cross every Friday during Lent at noon in the church.
The next Parish Council meeting is Thursday, March 27th at 5pm. You can see it on the calendar.
The mid-week mass (that is usually on Thursdays) will be moving in both day and location ONCE A MONTH. They will be Wednesdays at 5pm at the chapel at St Joseph Mt Sterling Hospital on the following dates: APRIL 16, MAY 21, JUNE 18, JULY 16,... This means that there is no mass on these Thursdays (April 17, May 22...)
You can see these changes on our calendar page. The rest of the month has the regular Thursday mass schedule at the church.
Please see the calendar for complete event info here! It is updated but some last minute changes go out by flocknote. Please email the church at or check the QR code in the bulletin if you want to be added to our flocknotes.
Recent church bulletins are found the in bulletins tab. ​​
Our sister parish, St Joseph in Winchester may also be helpful. Their site is found here.
Watch Pope Francis's message on Climate Care here.​
Welcome (Bienvenida)
Our church is part of the Diocese of Lexington. Here you can learn more about our parish such as our Mass times, Staff Directory and Phone Numbers, and view an online Map with driving directions. You can even stay informed about our Diocese by reading regularly published information, announcements, and news articles. We hope you enjoy your visit.
Our Mission
We, the people of St. Patrick's Church, are the Catholic faith community of Montgomery County.
We, the body of Christ, are each uniquely gifted by God and called by Jesus to discipleship. Though few in number, we strive to become leaders and examples of our faith.
About St. Patrick's
Since 1868, St. Patrick's Catholic Church has been serving this region.

General Information
Masses held weekly on the following days:​
Sundays: 10:30AM (EN) and 12PM (ES)
Midweek masses (EN) please see calendar page.
Religious Ed:
Sundays 9-10:15am
Adoration is held monthly on the first Thursday of every month from 4-6PM.
Reconciliation/Confession held on most Thursdays from 5:30-6PM and 10-10:30AM on Sundays.
Baptisms are by appointment.
For marriage preparation, please notify the priest six months in advance.
Download our weekly bulletin.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on the first Thursday of each month from 3-6 p.m., followed by Benediction & Mass.
We invite you to join our mailing list and receive emails we send out with news, or special Mass schedules
Services (los servicios)
Mass Schedule:
Sunday: 10:30 a.m. (English)
12:00 p.m. (Español)
See Calendar for midweek masses.
Please see midweek mass calendar & by appointment
Any additional services will be announced on our notice board, Facebook and on our website.
"Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me.”
----Saint Patrick